Whether your project requires temporary or permanent CP, we have the Magnesium anodes for your job. Our Magnesium soil anodes will bring your system to acceptable
CP levels.
High Potential Magnesium Anodes (Hi-Po Mags)
High Potential Magnesium provides excellent cathodic protection in low resistivity soil conditions. They are recommended for applications where soil resistivity is more than 2,000 ohm-cm, and less than 10,000 ohm-cm. If soil resistivity is above 10,000 ohm-cm, BK recommends an impressed current system. Our anodes are tested in accordance to ASTM G97 procedures.
H-1 Magnesium Anodes (H1 Mags)
H-1 alloy, also called Standard Potential Magnesium, provides excellent cathodic protection in low resistivity soil conditions. BK’s H-1 Magnesium anodes are cast to meet ASTM AZ63 and tested in accordance to ASTM G97 procedures. They are recommended for applications where soil resistivity is less than 2,000 ohm-cm.
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BK Corrosion
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